Monday, 19 March 2012

How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did

Target along with many other superstores store lots of information from customer, such as their purchases, on IT and from this they are able to predict some incredible stuff about the customer. From this they are able to send coupons for things that would cater to that specific customer's wants and needs. In this case they were able to predict that a teen was pregnant before her own father knew. You can read more about that process in the article. At what point does their system begin invading on our privacy if it is that scary accurate and is able to work consistenly?

Found on reddit

US e-voting system cracked in less than 48 hours

"Researchers at the University of Michigan have reported that it took them only a short time to break through the security functions of a pilot project for online voting in Washington, D.C. "Within 48 hours of the system going live, we had gained near complete control of the election server", the researchers wrote in a paper that has now been released. "We successfully changed every vote and revealed almost every secret ballot." The hack was only discovered after about two business days – and most likely only because the intruders left a visible trail on purpose"

From article:
Found on reddit.
This puts the security and integrity of online US voting polls at risk. Such a large and significant event in the country's reliability is compromised. Imagine if a malicious user had hacked it. People's privacy would be invaded because the ballot reveals information about them. As it stands, it appears there are too many ethic concerns with e-voting for it to be viable. Perhaps it is better to stick with traditional ballots until better s

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

SOPA passed in Ireland

"SOPA (the highly controversial instrument that reinforces online copyrights laws in Ireland) has been signed into law.

Critics, which include most of the Irish voting public, have outlined how the SOPA legislation will limit internet freedom. Put plainly SOPA will limit your ability to blog, repost others content or even use a companies name without a trademark acknowledgement, opening the unsuspecting public up to a host of potential claims.

Online piracy won't miss a beat, but web standards like Facebook, Blogger, YouTube and so on will be put at risk.

It would help if the definitions of breach of copyright had been clearly defined, but that's not the case here at all. This legislation leaves you vulnerable to be be the subject of an injunction for even posting a song on a social network page."

Read more:

Travel Agencies

This is a business that relies on information technology. I did a short presentation to my itgs class with a prezi that can be viewed below containing information about what it is along with social and ethic considerations.